Any member of the community is welcome to audition for all roles in all shows. All performers and crew members are volunteers seeking training and/or a performance outlet.

  • 2nd Space Theatre

    Good Company Players’ smaller, more intimate black box theater venue that produces straight plays.

  • Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater

    This venue is Good Company Players’ home for musical theatre productions.

  • Junior Company

    Good Company Players’ respected troupe of young performers who present a 15-minute ‘Pre-Show’ before most main-stage performances at Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater.

How to Be-In-A-Show

Theatre is very much a team effort. The video below shows how much everyone involved in the production - from the actors on stage to the crew members behind-the-scenes.

This is a timelapse between Good Company Players' final performance of Disney's Beauty and the Beast (which closed Sunday, January 15, 2023) and the building of a new set for the following production, Singin' in the Rain (which opened Thursday, January 19, 2023) at Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater.

Madeline Wristen is the impressive prop mistress of the upcoming Central Valley premiere of the musical Waitress, playing at Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater.

Good Company Players Map

The GCP team utilizes a few building spaces within Fresno’s Tower District to rehearse, build our sets and gather props, and create costumes for each show.

Click the map above for a printable .pdf version of the Good Company Players Map